One Thousand and One Voices, the Music of Islam

The Tunisian director Mahmoud Ben Mahmoud takes us to the heart of the mystical universe of Sufism, where Islam has developed its most sophisticated musical expression. This film will allow you to discover the great musical diversity of Islam : from the many different styles of Egypt to that of Senegal and India, or Tunisia and Turkey.

Type (Documentaire / Documentaire fiction / Série documentaire)DocumentaryGenre en anglaisArts & culture Collection The Choir of the Sacred.Directed by Mahmoud Ben MahmoudWith the support of CNC, Communauté française de Belgique, DGCI, Loterie Nationale Belge, MEDIA, Procirep, Télédistributeurs wallonsDistributed by Artline Films, EBCFestival(s)Official Selection Mostra de Venise (2001), Sélection officielle Africa in Motion Film Festival (2010), Sélection officielle, Humanity Explored (2010), Sélection officielle Festival International du Film Oriental de Genève (2014)Year2001Duration90min

Marked by the great celebrations of the Muslim calendar, the film will leave an important testimony to the apprenticeship and performance of this great musical heritage. Today, in a number of Muslim countries, music is also a way of fighting against religious fundamentalism. The political and social reality of these art forms will therefore be a major theme of the film.

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