The Atomic Republic

In 1974 Iran became a major shareholder in a little known French company called Eurodif. It was a simple commercial contract-Iranian cash in return for the enriched Uranium Eurodif were to produce. This condemned the French republic to a decade of violence on its own soil.

Type (Documentaire / Documentaire fiction / Série documentaire)DocumentaryGenre en anglaisSociety & Economy Written byDominique LorentzDirected by David Carr-BrownIn coproduction with Les ArènesSupported by CNC, ProcirepBroadcasted by ARTE France, SBS Australia, YLEDistributed by ZodiakYear2001Duration52min

By 1991 – 17 years after the Eurodif contract was signed by Valery Giscard d’Estaing – Mitterand, now in his second term, ended he had started. Iran’s shareholding in Eurodif was formally recognised and Frances semi state owned oil company signed a multi-million dollar oil the Total deal obscured the key concession. France was to give Iran the enriched uranium it needed to make the bomb.

The aim of this film is to bring to light and allow the audience to understand an important chapter in our contemporary history. A story that contains the defence policies of the states concerned by the Eurodif issue (Middle East nations, Israel, France, USA, Great Britain, Russia etc…).

Our meticulous investigation lays bare the trail of events and the secret deals that led Iran to get access to nuclear technology.

press coverage

Other works by David Carr-Brown

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